Membership of the SCMA is open to companies and individuals from all sectors of the maritime and international trade communities. Through SCMA membership, all members whether local or overseas are able to tap into a rich vein of information, connectivity and industry development.
Be a voice in the development of maritime and international
trade arbitration in Singapore. There are opportunities for
members to join the various SCMA committees and embark
on overseas promotion trips.
SCMA also engages members regularly. Feedback from
members is very important and taken seriously by SCMA.
SCMA organizes various events such as tea talks, seminars
and workshops throughout the year. In addition, SCMA
organizes a Conference and Distinguished Speaker Series
on alternate years.
These events present great networking opportunities as they
are attended by local and overseas professionals from the
arbitration, legal, maritime, international trade, government,
judiciary and academic communities.
SCMA’s case load is increasing year on year. Correspondingly,
requests from disputing parties for Chairman appointments of
arbitrators are on the rise and member arbitrators see increased opportunities for appointment.
Besides the vast networking opportunities, members get a
chance to share and showcase their expertise and experience
in the various SCMA events.
In addition, members can also contribute articles which will
be uploaded onto SCMA’s website.
All members are able to tap into a rich vein of information,
connectivity and industry development through timely email
flashes for their marketing plans and informative updates.
Members will enjoy preferential rates when using the SCMA Baltic Exchange
Escrow Service. You may view the full details of this arrangement here: Baltic-SCMA Escrow Partnership - Exclusive rates for SCMA members.pdf. To enjoy the this benefit, please submit the SCMA-Baltic Exchange Escrow Services Form.docx to the and
36 Stone 7 King's Bench Walk Allen & Gledhill LLP Ang & Partners ArbDB Chambers ARMA Law Bainbridge Navigation Baltic Exchange BHP Billiton Marketing Asia Pte Ltd bkl BAE, KIM & LEE Bose & Mitra Co BW Maritime Pte Ltd Campbell Johnston Clark Singapore Clyde & Co LLP CMA CGM Asia Pacific Limited DennisMathiew, Advocates & Solicitors Dentons Rodyk & Davidson LLP Dzungsrt & Associates LLC Essex Court Chambers Fleet Ship Management Pte Ltd Gard Singapore Pte Ltd Glory Ship Management Haridass Ho & Partners Harry Elias Partnership LLP Helmsman LLC Hill Dickinson LLP Holman Fenwick Willan Singapore LLP Hua Xiang Marine Pte Ltd Incisive Law LLC Joseph Tan Jude Benny LLP Kennedys Singapore LLP Kim & Chang LCH Insurance Brokers LVM Law Chambers LLC M3 Marine Group Pte Ltd Maritime Strategies International Ltd MS Amlin Marine Services Pte Ltd Nordisk Legal Services Pte Ltd Norton Rose Fulbright (Asia) LLP NorthStandard Oldendoff Carriers (Singapore) Pte Ltd Oon & Bazul Pacific Carriers Limited Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd PSA Corporation Limited PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) Quadrant Chambers Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP Reedsmith LLP Seatrium Steamship P&I Management (Singapore) Pte Ltd Stephenson Harwood LLP SwissMarine Pte. Ltd. Tata NYK Shipping Pte Ltd TT Club Mutual Insurance Limited Twenty Essex Thames Bay Shipping The Shipowner's Mutual P&I Association (Luxembourg), Singapore The Swedish Club Singapore Branch The UK P&I Club, Singapore Thome Ship Management Pte Ltd Transport Capital Pte Ltd VJ Mathew & Co. Watson Farley & Williams LLP Wealth Holdings Shipping Pte Ltd Wikborg Rein Singapore Pte Ltd Wintell & Co
G - Mr Gurinder Singh AhluwaliaSingapore
- Mr Justin Gan Boon EngSingapore
- Ms Mimi Gao
- Ms Shanna Rani Ghose
- Ms Rowena Magdalene, Chay Ngee Goh
- Mr Goh Wee Hong Kenji
- Capt Sashidaran Gopala
- Mr Ramanathan Govintharasah
- Prof Neale R. Gregson
- Mr Peter Gross
- Dr Guo Yu
- Mr Prem K Gurbani
- Mr John Gibson
- Ms Sara Gillingham Aukner
I - Mr Immanuel Adventius Indrawan
N - Mr V.B. Hari Narayan
- Mr Mohammed Aminul Islam Nazir
- Mr Niu Lei
- Mr Michael Nolan, KC
O - Mr Alan Oakley
- Mr Zaka Hadisupani OemangIndonesia
- Mr Oh Kwok Leeong Edwin
- Mr Benjamin Olbourne
- Mr Wole Olunfunwa
- Mr Omar Omar
- Prof Colin Ong, KC
- Mr Zhao Rong Ooi
- Mr Punit OzaSingapore
R - Mr Mohammed Forrukh Rahman
- Mr Bhavik Dipak Rajani
- Mr Govind Ramanathan
- The Hon Steven Rares KC
- Mr Ren Weizhe
- Prof Anselmo Reyes
- Mr Andrew Rigden Green
- Sir Bernard Rix
- Ms Donna Ross
- Ms Ellen Ruhotas
- Mr Jeremy Russell, KC
S - Mr Adedoyin Rhodes – Vivour San
- Ms Pat Saraceni
- Mr Martin Scott
- Mr Clive Navin SelvapandianMalaysia
- Ms Vasanti Selvaratnam KC
- Ms Sitpah Selvaratnam
- Ms Prantika Sengupta
- Mr John Seow
- Mr Donald Sham Shun Oh
- Capt Sushil Shankar
- Mr Jaya Sharma
- Mr Peter Shelford
- Mr Yohei Shigihara
- Capt Hakirat S. H. SinghSingapore
- Ms Elizabeth Sloane
- Mr Christopher Smith KC
- Ms Corina SongSingapore
- Dr Poomintr Sooksripaisarnkit
- Mr John Sze Kian ChuanSingapore
V - Mr Hari Krishna Vijapurapu
- Mr Nicholas Vineall KC
W - Ms Wan Hui Ting MoniqueSingapore
- Mr Wang Wei Sheng
- Capt Nicolas James Allan White
Z - Mr Xavier Zhang Xiaowei
- Mr Zhang Jin Feng
- Mr Yin (Steven) Zhou