Acting as solicitor on behalf of clients in arbitration in a wide variety of jurisdictions. These include over 150 London Maritime Arbitration Association arbitrations, arbitrations subject to the SIAC, ICC, CIETAC and SCMA rules, two statutory arbitrations in Chile, under the Instruction Industry Arbitration Commission Rules of the Philippines and under many various London trade association rules, including GAFTA, FOSFA and the Refined Sugar Association.
Appointed as sole arbitrator by ICC, SIAC and ad hoc on ten occasions and published six reasoned awards as sole arbitrator and one award as part of SIAC panel of three.
1985 to 1989 Trainee and solicitor with Holman Fenwick Willan, London
1990 to 1994 Solicitor, Holman Fenwick Willan, Hong Kong
1994 to 1998 Partner, Holman Fenwick Willan, Hong Kong
1998 to October 2013 Partner, Holman Fenwick Willan, Singapore
November 2013 Independent Arbitrator