John Sze Kian Chuan
Managing Partner, JTJB

John primarily focuses his litigation practice in the specialist fields of Maritime, International Trade and International Arbitration.

He has acted as lead Counsel at all levels of the Singapore Courts, and has acted as lead Counsel in SIAC, SCMA, ICC, HKIAC, LMAA and GAFTA arbitrations. He has also provided expert evidence on Singapore Arbitration laws and Singapore Admiralty law as an expert witness in US Court proceedings.

John obtained his LLB from the National University of Singapore. As a scholar under the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore’s JMSS scholarship, John obtained an LLM in Maritime Law (Distinction) from the University of Southampton.

John is presently the Managing Partner of JTJB. JTJB is also part of ADVOC, a global network of over 100 law firms across 73 countries. John co-heads the ADVOC’s Dispute Resolution Practice Group, and is a Senior Accredited Specialist in Maritime Law under the Singapore Academy of Law Accreditation Scheme.

In addition, John sits on the committees of the following maritime and/or arbitration institutions:

  • Member, Maritime and Insurance Committee of the Singapore Shipping Association
  • Treasurer, Singapore Maritime Arbitrators Association
  • Member Promotion Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitrators

John is also the editor of the Atkins Court Forms – Maritime Chapter, an essential guide for Maritime practitioners on the court documentation for maritime matters.


Phone: 90628575 (mobile), 62209388 (office)


Nationality: Singaporean

Place of Residence: Singapore

Language(s): English, Mandarin


    Member, Maritime and Insurance Committee of the Singapore Shipping Association

    Treasurer, Singapore Maritime Arbitrators Association

    Member Promotion Committee of the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitrators

    On the panel of arbitrators for Beihai Asia International Arbitration Centre.

    On the panel of adjudicators for the Singapore Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC)

    Member of the Board of Visitors (Drug Rehabilitation Centre & Anti-Inhalant Abuse Centre): The Board of Visitors (Drug Rehabilitation Centres and Anti-Inhalant Abuse Centres) (BOV DRCs & AIACs) is appointed by the Minister for Home Affairs to advise and make recommendations to ensure that the health, maintenance, recreation and discipline of DRC inmates are satisfactory and that an efficient standard is maintained throughout each DRC.

    Member of the Citizenship Committee of Inquiry: The Citizenship Committee of Inquiry is appointed by the Minister for Home Affairs and its role is to enquire into the cases of those persons who have been issued with the Notice of Deprivation of Citizenship and to submit its report to Minister for Home Affairs for a decision.


    LLB (Hons), National University of Singapore

    LLM in Maritime Law (Distinction), University of Southampton