A shipping lawyer for more than 40 years – both with marine insurers and as a leading practicing lawyer and partner in law firms with prominent shipping and litigation practices. Experienced with all aspects of shipping, offshore, trade, transportation and insurance and a veteran litigator and proven arbitrator in international disputes.
1972-1982: Section Manager, SKULD & Danish Defence
1982-2010: General Manager, Shipowners’ Council of Copenhagen
1982-1989: Partner, Nebelong Law Firm
1992-2010: Partner, Gorrissen Federspiel (head of transport group)
2000-2010: President CMI, Denmark and member of Danish Maritime Law Commission
2011 - 2022 : Partner, Hafnia Law Firm
SKULD & Danish Defence Publications
Klüwer: Commentary to Danish Merchant Shipping Act
Karnov: Commentary as to parts of Danish Merchant Shipping Act
"Inco Terms 1990”, “Inco Terms 2000"
Various papers on maritime, insurance and trade law