The Board of Directors (the "Board") shall have the discretion to admit an applicant to the SCMA Panel of Arbitrators (the "Panel") upon the recommendation of the Procedure Committee. The appointment to the Panel may be of such length of time and subject to such conditions as the Board deems appropriate.

Every applicant must fulfil the following criteria:


At least 10 years of engagement in a responsible position or positions (commercial, technical or
legal) in one or more areas of the maritime industry;


Knowledge of law relating to maritime commerce, navigation and maritime matters generally, and
arbitration practice and procedure;


Ability to draft reasoned awards in maritime disputes. This is assessed by meeting one of the following: 

a. submitting at least two reasoned awards drafted by the applicant; or
b. proof of fellowship of a recognised arbitration institution; or
c. successfully completing an award writing course conducted by a recognised arbitration institution.


Membership with the SCMA.

Although the sub-criteria in Criterion (iii) are expressed in alternatives, applications for admission under Criterion (iii)(a) will be given priority over Criterion (iii)(b) or (iii)(c). These criteria may be waived by the Board in appropriate cases.


By making an application for admission to the Panel, every applicant accepts that an arbitrator may subsequently be removed from the Panel, in the event that the Board shall conclude, on reasonable grounds, that the arbitrator is not in fact a suitably qualified or fit and proper person to serve as a Panel Arbitrator of the SCMA. The applicant further accepts that a decision of the Board to remove an arbitrator from the Panel, shall be final and binding.  


To apply to join the Panel, please submit the following to the SCMA at 


SCMA Panel of Arbitrators Application Form;


Passport Photograph or Headshot in Colour;


All required documents, as indicated in the SCMA Panel of Arbitrators Application Form; and


All other relevant documents, including but not limited to, your personal curriculum vitae or resume.


Click here to download application form:

SCMA Panel of Arbitrators Application Form (2022 Version).docx 


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